class: inverse, center, middle # 36-315: Statistical Graphics and Visualization ## Lab 1 Meghan Hall <br> Department of Statistics & Data Science <br> Carnegie Mellon University <br> May 25, 2021 --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><span></span></div> --- # Today <br> .large[Downloading R & RStudio] <br> .medium[] <br> .large[Learning the basics of R Markdown] <br> .medium[] --- # Downloading R <br> .center.huge[**[](**] <br> <br> .center[<img src="figs/Lab1/R.png" width="100%"/>] --- # Downloading R <img src="figs/Lab1/R_mac.png" width="100%"/> --- # Downloading R <br> <br> <img src="figs/Lab1/R_windows.png" width="100%"/> --- # Downloading RStudio <br> <br> .center.large[**[](**] <br> <br> .center.medium[RStudio Desktop FREE] --- class: center # .left[Setting up RStudio] .left[.medium[Layout is up to you! Tools > Options > Pane Layout]<br> My recommendation: ] <img src="figs/Lab1/layout.png" width="50%"/> --- # R Markdown <br> .large[An .Rmd file combines code, figures, text and "knits" to various output files] <br> .medium[Key for reproducible data science] -- <br> .large[We'll be using it for labs, homeworks, midterm, final projects] <br> .medium[Submit a single .Rmd file and its knitted .html file] --- # R Markdown <br> .large[R Markdown reference guide] <br> .medium[<>] -- <br> .large[R Markdown cheat sheet] <br> .medium[<>] --- # Tips for learning in R <br> .medium[Don't be afraid of error messages!] -- <br> .medium[Googling is your friend] -- <br> .medium[When in doubt, Session > Restart R]<br> *Also useful for making sure your .Rmd knits to .html* -- <br> .medium[Type it out instead of copy & paste (really)] --- # Upcoming <br> .large[Lab assignment due 11:30am EDT Wednesday!] <br> .medium[Ask questions on Piazza if they don't get answered here] <br> .large[Lecture 3 on Wednesday May 26] <br> .medium[Data types and bar charts] <br> .large[Homework 1 due Tuesday June 1] <br> .medium[Will be posted soon]